Here are Some Stretches to Try if You Hold Tension in Your Neck

Neck stretch
Photo by Keenan Constance on Unsplash

If you’re stressed often or struggle with anxiety, it’s not unlikely you feel the physical effects of that in the form of tight muscles. It’s incredibly common especially to hold tension in one’s neck or shoulders, which can lead to pain and even headaches–which can make you even more stressed. To help break the cycle, here are some stretches to try to release some tension.

Side Tilt

To help with the sides of your neck, stand or sit with your spine straight and your shoulders relaxed. Slowly tilt your head to one side, bringing your ear toward your shoulder. Only go as far as it takes to feel the stretch, and don’t flex your should or raise it. Hold this for 5-10 seconds, then switch sides. If you want a deeper stretch, gentler push your head further down with your opposite hand–but not too hard! It’s good to pair this with…

Seated Clasped Neck Stretch

To help even things out so you’re stretching out the back of your neck as well as the sides, you’ll want to stretch your head forward as well–and this stretch is extra good because sitting will get you a nice stretch throughout your back as well. Sitting with your spine in alignment, clasp your hands behind your neck and gently pull your chin down towards your chest. Breathe deeply several times while you hold the stretch.

Levator Scapulae Stretch

Finally, this stretch will get the spots in between the sides and back of your neck. Turn your head to one side, then use the hand on that side to pull your head down toward your shoulder. Hold that stretch for 30 seconds or several deep breaths.