Here’s How to Hit Your Goals Faster with a Virtual Accountability Partner

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

There’s no doubt that working out in the winter takes a lot more effort than in the summer, and it’s even harder during the pandemic. But a virtual accountability partner can help you stay on track of exercising and nutrition. If you’re new to having an accountability partner, here are some ways to help you reach your goals faster.

Share Your Goals With Friends and Family

Now’s the perfect time to start new goals with your friends and family and to log them virtually. Gather three to four people and find common interests and swap tips and tricks along the way. If you want to take it up a notch, set check-ins and award prizes for reaching milestones.

Check-In Regularly

Set regular check-ins, so you can stay connected about your progress and victories along the way. As you get more into your workouts, you’ll have more to connect with and you can build deeper personal relationships.

Schedule Time for Your Goals

Go over your nutrition and exercise schedule with your accountability partner to brainstorm better ways to reach your goals and share what’s been working for you.

Be Honest

Don’t just discuss victories—be honest about obstacles along the way. Your accountability partner should feel comfortable calling you out when you’re skipping workouts or not eating healthily.