Here’s What to Look For in a Sports Backpack

Backpacks are essential to many forms of sports training and exercise, such as hiking, canyoning, and adventuring in nature. But with so many backpacks flooding the market, it’s not always easy to know what to look out for in a good backpack. Here are four things to consider when looking for a quality backpack that suits your needs.

Is it the Right Size?

Backpacks come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. The right size will depend largely on what you need it for. Small backpacks are in the 6-10 liter range, daypacks between 10-30 liters, medium between 30-50, and large are over 60 liters.

Does it Distribute the Weight?

A good backpack will distribute weight evenly across your whole body. This will protect your back, shoulders, and neck from strain injuries. Backpacks that distribute weight well will typically have sternum straps, waist straps, and adjustable arm straps.

Is it Breathable?

Backpacks often cause the back to get quite sweaty. Good backpacks will have a breathable mesh that will help your skin breathe.

Does it Have Compartment Space?

Backpacks come with a range of different compartments and pockets. Think about what you will need it for and go for one that looks useful.