Here’s Why Short Workouts are Better Than Long Ones

The first thing that usually comes to mind when someone mentions exercise, is those boring gym sessions that last for an hour and seem to never end. The truth is that you don’t really need an hour every day to stay fit—you can do an intense workout in only 15 minutes. Here are a few reasons why short workouts are actually more effective.

Fast Results

Studies have shown that despite the fact that they last for only 20 minutes, short intense workouts can show results faster than steady workouts. This is due to the fact that they boost your cardiovascular health and metabolism and burn major fat.

More Focus

Shorter, intense workouts are great for improving your concentration too. They require more focus because you need a lot of strength to do all those high-intensity exercise in a very short period of time.

Burning Fat

The reason why shorter workouts burn more fat is because the body experiences a shortage of oxygen during intense exercise. Well after the workout is done, your body is still burning calories because it’s using more oxygen in order to recover and repair muscles.

There’s No Excuse

Last but not least, HIIT workouts last for only 15 to 20 minutes and you can even do them in your living room. We’re definitely more likely to stick to a workout routine when we know we need only a few minutes to complete it.