Here’s Why You Should Be Doing Box Squats

If you’ve been doing squats for a while and are looking for a more difficult alternative that will maximize your gains while strengthening your lower body, it’s time to try box squats. Box squats are like squats, but you squat down until your butt hits a box (or bench or chair) behind you. They can be done with just your bodyweight or you can make them more challenging by holding a barbell. These are the benefits of doing box squats.

Works Your Lower Body

Squats work your hamstrings, quads, calves, and core and if you hold a weight, you’re also working your upper body. Box squats specifically help you not be quad-dominant, which is when your quads take over and do more of the work. Box squats will help you work your hamstrings and glutes because you’re trying to move your hips towards the box, resulting in you sitting further back.

Helps You Get Stronger at the Bottom of the Squat

Many people who have been lifting for a while, find it difficult when they increase the weight to stand back up with the bar. With box squats, it teaches you to come to a full stop and engage the squat muscles instead of using the momentum of the down part of the squat to come back up.

Reach a Personal Record (PR)

If you’re trying to reach a record but can’t seem to quite get there, try incorporating box squats into your routine and with time, you’ll build a stronger bottom, helping your reach your PR.

Rehab Injuries

Box squats allow you to keep training by turning the squat movement into partial reps without further injuring yourself.