How to Avoid Calluses if You’re New To Working Out

chalky hands
Photo by Filip Mroz on Unsplash

If you’re new to working out, you may start to notice some new calluses appear on your hands. Especially if you are beginning to lift weights, or use a rowing machine, the constant rubbing against your sweaty hands is sure to leave some damage. Whereas some people may wear their calluses as a badge of honor, you might want to keep your hands feeling soft and smooth. Luckily, there are a few ways to prevent calluses from forming.

Wear Gloves

The biggest tip to prevent calluses is to wear gloves when you are doing anything that requires a good grip! Gloves are great because they prevent the steel bars or handles from rubbing against your sweaty palms—which is exactly what forms the calluses in the first place. 

Use Chalk on Your Hands

A major cause of calluses is your moist sweaty hands. The moisture plus a tight grip is the recipe for a new callus, so using chalk to dry out your hands is a great option if you don’t want to wear gloves. There’s a reason why gymnasts and rock climbers use chalk religiously—it works!

Adjust Your Grip

If there is a particular exercise that seems to be causing your calluses, you can also try adjusting your grip. Sometimes a simple adjustment can make a huge difference for your hands!