How to Change Your Approach to Exercises That You Dread

Workout tips
Photo by LOGAN WEAVER on Unsplash

Whether it’s your leg day, doing cardio, or something else entirely, we all have parts of our workout routine that we dread. That doesn’t mean you should skip them or suffer through them, and these useful tips will help you change your approach to the most daunting parts of your fitness routine.

Deeper Understanding

There’s usually a reason why you hate a certain routine so much. Is it too difficult, too easy, or are you simply bored of it? Try to get to the bottom of your hate towards certain parts of your workouts because a better understanding could help you reframe your attitude.

Add Modifications

If you’re dreading your workout routine because it’s too difficult, add modifications that will make it more bearable. In case you can’t stand certain parts of your routine because you’re bored of them, look for equally effective yet fun workouts that target the same muscle groups.

Higher Frequency

You’ll be tempted to avoid parts of your workout routine that you dread altogether, but doing them more often is actually a more effective strategy. It will allow you to ease into the exercises you hate and get so used to them that they no longer feel challenging and stress-inducing.