Whether you’re new to running or a regular jogger, runner imposter syndrome can greatly hold you back from success. Here’s what this unfortunate mental setback is and how you can overcome it.
What Is Runner Imposter Syndrome
If you ever feel like you can’t complete a race or perhaps brush off your achievements by claiming that you’re “not a real runner”, then runner imposter syndrome might be affecting you. Much like the name suggests, this issue refers to runners who believe that they are not “real runners” as they don’t do it at the highest level. This attitude can hold you back from achieving your running goals and perhaps even hurt your self-esteem.
How To Overcome This Challenge
Firstly, you need to ensure that you stop being hard on yourself. “It’s hard to be kind and support yourself on a run. But when you do, you’ll end the run saying, ‘I would like to do that again,'” Nike running coach Chris Bennett advised. “You never hear someone who plays pickup basketball say, ‘well, I’m not a real basketball player’ when you ask them about it,” Bennett explained, raising a valid point.
In order to get the most out of your running, it’s crucial to adopt a healthy mindset. Practice mindfulness as you run, ensuring that you focus on breathing properly and drinking water when you need to. Of course, keep faith in yourself, constantly remembering that just the fact that you embarked on a run already makes you a runner.