How to Prevent Running Injuries

Woman running
Photo by Jeremy Stewart on Unsplash

As diligent as you are when it comes to sticking to your workout schedule, there are still things to look out for—such as getting injured. When it comes to running, getting injured is a real possibility and not something you should overlook lightly. So if you’re something who runs a lot, here are some helpful tips to prevent you from getting injured.

Rest Days

It’s super important to not run yourself into the ground, both literally and figuratively. If you’ve gone a few days straight, you need to make sure you give yourself a least one rest day for your body to adapt and recover.


It’s also very crucial to be stretching your feet before and after workouts. Your body needs to retain that flexibility and agility, and stretching is a great way to keep yourself limber.

Start Slowly

Another important thing to note is that it takes time for your body to get used to new changes. If you just started running, the worst thing you can do is run a super long distance right in the beginning. You need to start slow and gradually build it up after that, because if you don’t you may pay for it.