How to Start a Gluten-Free Diet

Paleo, keto, vegan, gluten-free—there are so many new diets to try and gluten-free continues to be among the most popular. Many people don’t choose to follow a gluten-free diet as they have to do it for health reasons. If you’re looking to go gluten-free, here’s your guide for how to do it.

Learn Which Grains to Avoid and Which are Safe

Of course, you know that part of maintaining a gluten-free diet is avoiding grains. But, did you know that not all grains have gluten? The grains you need to cut out are wheat (durum, spelt, emmer, farina, farro, and einkorn wheat), barley, and rye. Rice, corn, soy, potato, tapioca, flax, and chia are fine to eat.

Know How to Read Food Labels

Because so many people are gluten intolerant or are choosing gluten-free diets, more foods than ever before are available in gluten-free options. But, not all foods that say they are gluten-free actually are, so you need to read the ingredients to be 100% sure.

Keep Your Meals Balanced and Healthy

When you start eating gluten-free it’s easy to get distracted with thinking about if your food is safe to eat and you often forget to consider if the food is healthy. You can still keep a healthy diet while being gluten-free by eating vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, and lean meats. Just make sure you are consuming protein and getting nutrients.

Be Cautious When Selecting Food

If you’re dining out and craving pasta or pizza, ask your restaurant about gluten-free options. If you’re craving grains, try eating quinoa or other gluten-free options. Also, something to keep in mind is that lots of foods have gluten in them like chips, nuts, soups, and salad dressings, so if you’re not sure if your favorite foods have gluten, just ask or do some research. Don’t worry, it gets easier over time and you’ll soon know all the foods you can and can’t eat.