How to Stop Your Workouts From Feeling Like a Chore

Workout tips
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Discipline over motivation is a fitness approach that works for many people, but what if you’re not one of them? If you’re getting bored by your workouts and they’re starting to feel like a chore, here are some fixes that you should make ASAP.

Do What You Love

Enjoying your workouts is pretty much impossible if you dread your fitness routine. Put some energy into finding a routine that’s good for both your physical and mental health because you’ll enjoy your workouts much more if you’re doing something that you love.

Try Something New

It’s not surprising that your workouts feel like a chore if you’re constantly doing the same things. Your fitness routine will feel less mundane if you’re putting an effort into trying something new. From signing up for a new fitness class to ditching the gym for outdoor workouts, every change counts when it comes to making your fitness routine less boring.

Follow Your Gut

Some people are more disciplined when they schedule their workouts, but this approach doesn’t work for everyone. If you’re struggling to stick to your workout plans, listen to your body and work out when you feel like it, even if it’s only 10 minutes at the time. You don’t have to spend an hour at the gym for your workout to count.