If You Want Abs, Head to the Kitchen

You may have heard that “abs are made in the kitchen,” but what’s this saying really about? Basically, it means that, no matter how hard you work out, if your diet isn’t on point, you can’t expect to be fit. Abs are just one of the things that you won’t be able to achieve in the gym unless you eat right at home.

It’s commonly believed that diet makes up around 70% of fitness and that the gym can only account for the remaining 30%. You may build muscles in your abdominal area with exercise, but until you make changes in your diet, they won’t be visible under a coat of body fat.

What are the foods you should focus on if you want to achieve that? Think natural, whole foods that don’t have too many carbs, like leafy green vegetables, berries, broccoli, avocado, nuts, quinoa, lentils, chickpeas, hemp seeds, etc. You get the idea. Watch the calorie intake, too, because some of these foods are very calorie-dense.