Is it Better to Workout in the Cold or in the Heat?

Hot yoga has been trendy over the past few years, but cold workouts are gaining in popularity. Which leads us to thinking, is it better to exercise in cold temperatures or hotter ones?


You may be surprised to find out that heated things like saunas and hot tubs with temperatures from 100-180F cause an increase in blood flow and heart rate, which are the same effects that working out has on your body. But, exercising in heats of above 90F can be dangerous because it’s easier to get dehydrated. So just be mindful and drink lots of water if you plan on exercising in the heat.


Working out in the cold is easier and you can train harder because your body temperature won’t rise too much. The evidence is still mixed on the effects of ice baths and cryotherapy and some research as shown that you’ll burn more calories if you spend time in colder temperatures. Just beware that exercising in the cold can lead to muscle tightness, so be sure to warm up and cool down properly.

Which is Better?

Unfortanelty, there’s no simple answer and a lot of it comes down to personal preferences. If you hate getting sweaty or overheating, a cold workout is probably better for you, but if you can’t deal with the cold, than a hot workout may be ideal. The right temperature also depends on the exercise you’re doing.