Mantras to Keep You Lifted and Productive

The beginning of mantras originated in the Vedic Sanskrit in India. Words like “Hare Krishna Ram Ram” and “Om” were all words known to promote healing and calmness. Nowadays, mantras aren’t only sacred Hindu phrases, they can be words of wisdom or even words of encouragement. A mantra is when a phrase is repeated several times to induce meditation. Positive affirmations are also known to help your state of mind.

We’ve come up with a few phrases that are great to jumpstart your morning with. You can say them quietly to yourself or even repeat them in front of the mirror for more strength.

“I am Open to Whatever Situation Presents Itself”

Research shows that keeping an accurate positivity mindset leads to better overall health. Accurate positivity means being realistic about situations and not choosing to remain solely positive. When keeping a positive only mindset, it inhibits us from preparing for possible unfavorable outcomes. Remaining open about situations helps you to move forward and look at the bigger picture.

“I Can do This”

Maintaining a positive mindset equals a healthy body. Some people spend so much time at the gym, while ignoring stresses in life that at one point should be addressed.

“The Road of Life is a Long One and I’m in it for the Journey”

We can’t always choose our situations in life but we can choose how we feel in those moments. The road of life can sometimes encounter potholes, but with an air of awareness of our surroundings – we can move forward.