Move With Nicole Will Make You Fall in Love with HIIT Pilates Workouts

HIIT and Pilates are two completely different forms of training, but you can get something amazing by blending them together. No one knows this better than the founder of the YouTube channel Move with Nicole and here are some of the very best HIIT Pilates workouts that she has in store.

10-Minute HIIT Pilates Workout

HIIT lovers will easily adapt to Nicole’s workouts, but what if you’ve never done this form of training before? You should kick things off with basic and short HIIT Pilates workouts, and this one fits the bill. Despite being just 10-minute long, this workout includes both warm-up and cool-down.

30-Minute HIIT Pilates Workouts

One of the ultimate HIIT Pilates workouts on Nicole’s channel is 30 minutes long, and it offers a perfect mix between high-impact and low-impact exercises. The video includes variations of exercises, allowing you to choose your own intensity level.

20-Minute Full-Body Pilates HIIT

If you prefer doing low-impact workouts, this video will be your cup of tea. You can perform most of the exercises laying on the floor without putting too much strain on your joints. This workout also allows you to relax your muscles by getting a good stretch.