New Study Finds That You Can Stay in Shape By Only Working Out on the Weekend

Working out
Photo by Victor Freitas on Unsplash

Most gym rats believe it’s impossible to stay in shape if you’re not hitting the gym on a regular basis, but a new study suggests that might not be true. Weekend warriors, rejoice because it seems you’ll be reaping some of the same benefits as people who work out more than twice a week.

The study in question was published by JAMA Internal Medicine and it was based on data collected from over 350,000 adults who shared information about their training habits. The study suggests that “weekend warriors” and regularly active participants may experience the same benefits and lower the risk of premature death.

“These findings suggest that whether the recommended amount of moderate to vigorous physical activity is spread out during the week or concentrated into fewer days, there may be no significant difference in health benefits,” reads the study.

To reap the benefits of your workouts, it’s still important to stick to the World Health Organization’s suggestions of at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity, or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week. The way you spread out your workout sessions is up to you, but it’s crucial to stay cautious and avoid doing super-intense workouts after a whole week with zero activity.