12-3-30 workouts are one of the most popular fitness trends that TikTok introduced us to, and their popularity isn’t fading away. This treadmill routine isn’t losing steam, and if you’re thinking about giving it a try, we’re bringing a list of pros and cons worth taking into consideration.
What Are 12-3-30 Workouts?
The 12-3-30 routine went viral thanks to Lauren Giraldo, and it will take your treadmill workouts to the next level. It involves walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes, with the incline set to 12% and speed set to 3mph.
Pros of 12-3-30 Workouts
If you’re looking for a beginner-friendly low-impact routine, the 12-3-30 workouts are just the thing you’re looking for. They’re a great cardio workout that can help you burn some major calories, while also improving your stamina and balance, and helping you build lower body strength.
Cons of 12-3-30 Workouts
Despite their many benefits, you should approach the 12-3-30 workouts with caution. They can put a lot of pressure on your lower back, especially if you don’t have a solid posture, and you should consider making your workout shorter if you’re not used to repetitive walking or running.
The repetitive nature of the 12-3-30 workouts is also one of their biggest cons. The repetitive movements can put a lot of pressure on your knees, ankles, and calves, in addition to making your workouts pretty monotonous.