Quick Office Workouts on Your Lunchbreak

Office job
Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

If you work at a highly-demanding job with long hours, then hitting the gym every night may not be an option. Here are some quick workouts that you can do in your office to remain active throughout the day.

Use the Stairs

As simple as it may seem, taking the stairs instead of the elevator can make a huge difference to your physical activity. Not only does this improve your cardiovascular activity, but it also provides a grueling glute and thigh workout.

Use a Stability Ball for an Office Chair

While it shouldn’t replace your office chair for the entire day, a stability ball can help you to remain active while working. In addition to improving your balance, the stability ball can be used for short workouts throughout the day, including pushup holds and plank extensions.

Walk While Talking on Your Phone

Whenever you get a phone call, get up and walk instead of sitting in one place. The longer your phone call, the more physical activity you get in without even realizing it. You could also take a walk outside with your coworkers for a short break.