Should You Try Intermittent Fasting?

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Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

One of the latest trends in the fitness department these days is the concept of intermittent fasting. There are many different variations of what it entails, but the basic premise more or less goes like this: you refrain from eating anything at all (you’re allowed to drink water) up until a certain time of the day, usually around 1 or 2 PM. You’re then allowed to eat however much you want, provided that it’s healthy. After 6 or 7 PM, you then fast again for the rest of the day. Is this something you should try?

Know Your Triggers

We’ll save you the trouble of wondering by telling you up front that it’s not for you if you don’t react well to fasting. This type of approach really doesn’t work for everyone because there are some who would actually respond negatively to being withheld food for a certain period of time. If that’s you, you shouldn’t do it.

It Might Be Right For You

That being said, there are plenty of those who thrive with intermittent fasting, which is why it might just be perfect for you too? If you don’t have any “food triggers” that would make it hard for you to refrain from eating for hours at a time, maybe you should give it a try. It’s worked wonders for countless people, so it might just be the thing for you!