Stretching Myths It’s Time to Move On From

Photo by Alex Shaw on Unsplash

We all know that stretching offers a variety of benefits, such as reducing the risk of injuries or improving flexibility. However, there are many common beliefs about stretching that are simply not true, yet we hear them on a daily basis. Here are some common myths about stretching that many people believe are true, but really aren’t.

You Can’t Overstretch

Overstretching is a real thing and it’s usually caused by pushing muscles or joints beyond their limits. To avoid this, it’s important to warm-up before the workout and not to force any move, especially if it causes you pain.

You Can Stretch Anytime

Most people think that stretching is easy and it can be done literally anyplace, or anytime. Stretching cold muscles while watching a movie or doing something else can potentially be harmful and lead to injures, so make sure to always warm-up and loosen your muscles before stretching.

Stretching Should Hurt

Stretching, or exercising in general, should never hurt. Everyone should know the difference between slight discomfort and pain because feeling discomfort while performing some moves can be normal. On the other hand, experiencing pain while working out is always a clear sign you should stop exercising.