The 10-Minute Rule Will Take Your Fitness Routine to a Whole New Level

Image by bernardbodo/Depositphotos

The idea of working out for an hour or even just 30 minutes can seem daunting, especially if you’re still a beginner. If you’re constantly skipping your workouts because you’re dreading spending so much time at the gym, you should try embracing the 10-minute rule.

Just as its name suggests, this motivational technique asks you to commit to just 10 minutes of working out. This is an amount of time that everyone has on their hands, no matter how busy their schedule is or how much they’re struggling to get motivated for your workout.

Working out for just 10 minutes at a time is better than not working out at all, but it’s highly unlikely you’ll stop there. This brief workout will get you in a better mood, and you’ll probably feel inspired to keep on going after it’s over.

By doing so, you’ll turn your 10-minute fitness routine into 30 minutes or maybe even an hour of working out, but you can always stop after 10 minutes if you’re not feeling it. We’re bringing you some of YouTube’s best 10-minute workouts that you can use if you’re out of inspiration.