The Best Dynamic Stretches for Leg Day

Photo by Alex Shaw on Unsplash

In order to get the most out of your workout on leg day, you need to make sure you’re stretching and warming up your legs properly. Stretching before your leg exercises helps prevent injury and improve mobility. Dynamic stretches are best before a workout because they help to warm your muscles up. These are the best dynamic stretches for leg day!

Front-to-Back Leg Swings

Front-to-back leg swings are exactly what they sound like. One leg at a time, swing your leg from front to back 10 times. Repeat on the other side. 

Side-to-Side Leg Swings

Similar to the last stretch, you’re going to focus on one leg at a time. Extend your leg forward a bit and swing it side to side 10 times each. If you need to hold on to a wall for balance, you can. 

Cossack Squats

Start by bending one knee and extending the other leg out to the side. In an alternating motion, switch your side lunge side to side 15 times.

Froggy Squats

In a squatting position, grab hold of your feet. Slowly hinge your glutes up as you straighten your legs. Keep hold of your feet and stay bent over your legs. Slowly squat back down into a low squat and repeat.