The Best “Shy Girl” Workout Routine

Mountain climbers
Image by Pavel_Kostenko/Depositphotos

Not everyone is super confident in the gym and that’s okay! Sometimes all you need to work up your confidence is to simply start going to the gym and getting more comfortable in the environment. This is why we love the “shy girl” workout routines spreading all over TikTok and Instagram. Shy Girl workouts are workouts that tend to use limited equipment, and can usually be performed in the corner of the gym—perfect for those of you that don’t want a lot of eyes on you as you work out. Here is a great Shy Girl Workout Routine that works the whole body!

RDL to Row

This compound movement is a great way to hit multiple parts of the body, saving time and another trip to the weight rack! Start with a Romanian Deadlift with two dumbbells. As you straighten your back, go right into a row. Repeat and feel the burn in your hamstrings, glutes, and arms.

Goblet Squats

Goblet squats can be done with either dumbbells or a kettlebell. Widen your stance and pick a heavy weight, feeling the burn in your glutes as you do squats. 

Dumbbell Overhead Press

Make those shoulders burn with a dumbbell overhead press. This is a great movement because it’s way more challenging than it looks!

Mountain Climbers

Finish off your shy girl workout with mountain climbers. This finisher will have your whole body burning in the best way!