The Best Stretching Exercises For Flexibility

Photo by Chelsea Gates on Unsplash

Stretching is very important if you want to be more flexible. Stretching is more than just elongating your muscles. When you stretch, you’re improving blood circulation and optimizing your depth of breath. Stretching should be a part of every workout. When you stretch after an activity, you’re allowing your muscles to grow and prevent injuries. Here are the best stretching exercises for improving stability.

Standing Hamstring Stretch

You do it by standing straight with feet slightly apart and knees bent a little. Exhale and bend toward the floor, relaxing your upper body. Hold the backs of your legs with your arms. Keep the position for a minute or two and go back to the standing position.

Downward Dog

This classical yoga position will stretch your whole body. Make sure to keep your back neutral and straight during the exercise.

Deep Lunge With Twist

Stand tall with feet together then take a big step forward with right foot. Bend the right knee and drop into a lunge as you keep your left leg straight. Twist your upper body to the right and either press the right hand on the floor or extend the right arm upwards. Hold for a minute or two, release and repeat with the other side.