The Best Swimming Style for Back Pain

Photo by Gentrit Sylejmani on Unsplash

We imagine that, right now, you’re either on your desk or your couch, crunched over your computer or phone, in order to read this article. If that’s your lifestyle most of the time, then we don’t have to tell you what back pain feels like. One of the best activities that will help you with back pain is swimming, and if you want to make sure you’re not wasting your time at the pool, this is the most efficient style.

Breaststroke swimming is best for beginners as it doesn’t involve as much trunk rotation as some other styles. Another good option is the backstroke. “With all the other strokes, you have the potential for some spine hyperextension,” says Dr. Rodeo, the chief of the sports medicine and shoulder service at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York for the New York Times. “With the backstroke, being on your back, you don’t have as much hyperextension.”

However, depending on where your back pain is located, you may prefer some other style. Start gently and experiment until you find the one that feels the best for you. If you can, get a coach to help you, at least until you figure it out.