Chances are you feel like you don’t have enough time in your day to do all the things you need to. Between work, taking care of our kids, and fixing meals, it can be hard to find the time to exercise. Naturally, when we workout we want to make the most out of our time. So which exercises burn the most calories?
One question many of us have is whether cardio or strength training is better when we want to burn calories? Well, it’s not a simple answer. Cardio exercises burn more calories in the moment and strength training exercises have a prolonged calorie-burn effect because it’s done at a greater intensity and your body needs more oxygen after your workout to recover and repair muscles.
According to Women’s Health the most effective exercises to burn calories are aerobic exercises. These are the ten best calorie-burning exercises in order of the best.
- Jumping Rope
- Running Up Hill/Stair Sprints
- Kickboxing
- Cycling Intervals
- Running
- Kettlebell Circuits
- Stationary Bike
- Rowing Machine
- Loaded Kettleball Carries
- Stairs