These Common Virtual Workout Mistakes Can Ruin Your Motivation

Virtual workouts. Don't fall victim to these virtual workout mistakes.
Photo by Kari Shea on Unsplash

Virtual workouts became a new normal for many people in the face of the global pandemic, but committing to them can be tough. If you’re struggling to stay focused and motivated during your virtual class, you may be making one of these common mistakes.

Using Your Phone

Most people use their phones to stream virtual workouts, but other devices are a much better fit. The tricky thing about phones is that you can get easily distracted by calls, texts, and social media notifications, and that’s why it’s better to leave it in a separate room during your class.

Camera Off

Turning your camera on during virtual classes can be scary and intimidating, but sometimes it’s the only thing keeping you accountable. It will inspire you to give it your all because you’ll know there are other people watching—just like in an actual fitness class.

No Communication

Communication with your trainer is crucial during both physical and virtual classes. You shouldn’t shy away from asking questions and addressing your concerns, especially if you’re dealing with pain and soreness and need modifications or help to properly do certain moves.