This Gentle Yoga Routine Should Help With Those Nasty PMS Symptoms

Yoga poses
Photo by Lutchenca Medeiros on Unsplash

One thing that men will never understand is the genuine discomfort of PMS. Pain, bloating, emotions all out of whack—could Mother Nature not have just sent a text message to say you aren’t pregnant?!

If you’d prefer to lie in bed with a heating pad and chocolate during your time of the month, that is perfectly fine. But moving about and doing light exercise can sometimes help relieve the symptoms of PMS. Try this gentle yoga routine next time Aunt Flo pays a visit. 

Step #1

Sitting on your heels, rest your hands forward and extend your left leg straight back. Relax your torso forward, resting your head on the ground. Slide your arms back along your sides with your palms up. Relax here for three minutes, then rise up, switch the legs, and repeat.

Step #2

Return to sitting on your heels. Use your hands to gently massage all along your throat, from your collarbones to under your chin, for two minutes. Then, begin to massage your ears and earlobes with the palms of your hands for two to three minutes.

Step #3

Still on your heels, place your hands in the Venus position at the small of your back. Inhale as you slowly twist your torso to the left, then exhale as you twist to the right, for three minutes. End with an inhale back at the center, consciously drawing the energy up your spine.

Step #4

Relax down onto your back. Bring your hands to your shoulders, with your fingers in front and thumbs on the back of your shoulders, and elbows on the ground. Spread your legs comfortably wide. Tune in to all the muscles of your body and lift your upper body, bit by bit, as slowly as possible, until your torso is upright. Then, slowly fold forward from the waist until your nose is on the ground or as close to it as you can. Hold this forward-fold version with long deep breathing for three minutes.