Top Box Jump Mistakes to Avoid

Jumping on a box is one of the most common exercises not only in CrossFit, but also for athletes and many other fitness programs. These top box jump mistakes are the ones you need to avoid in order to prevent injuries. Once you get the basics it might even become one of your favorite exercises.

A Box That’s Too High

Jumping on a box that’s too high for you won’t do you any good. On the contrary, you can end up with an injury. You’ll be landing the wrong way, doing a very low squat, and maybe even damaging your knees. Try with a box that is not too high until you’ve practiced a good landing.

Jump Down

Another huge box jump mistake you might be making is jumping back down to the floor. This is a hard exercise, and all you need to do is learn how to jump up and land on the box. Jumping back down can also lead to injuries.

Bad Knee Position

If your knees cave in when you’re up on the box, you’re not doing it right. Your knees should be shoulder-width apart, and not touching. Also, you shouldn’t be landing in a low squat.