Top Exercises Tools You Should Have

Photo by Frame Kings on Unsplash

As a fitness enthusiast, you can build a mini gym in your house. This helps you keep fit even if you don’t have time to go to the gym.

Below are suggested tools which are a must-have for every fitness enthusiast:

Training bench

It is used for carrying out weight training exercises. The backrest is usually flat but adjustable so that it can be inclined to your suitable position. For a personal gym, you may require a minimum of two of this bench.

Set of Dumbbells

It is one of the key equipment needed in a mini gym. They differ in sizes and shapes.


This is very necessary for effective cardio workout. A treadmill with varying inclines, speeds is a better option. You can look out for the one that provides heart rate monitoring. If you don’t mind spending more, you can check out for machines with virtual tracks or other add-ons.

Set of Barbells

There are varieties of barbells. We have the squat rack, bench press rack, Olympic bar and removable plates. If you don’t think you can afford them, you can consider going for a set of fixed or easily adjustable barbells. You should also get a smaller bar to use with the barbells and a rack for the storing them.

In addition to the already mentioned gym tools, others are:

Set of Kettlebells

Pull-up Frame and Bar

Stationary Bicycle

Rowing Machine

Fitness Ball