Upgrade Your Oatmeal With Chia Seeds

Are you searching for a way to upgrade your oatmeal game? Try throwing in a few chia seeds for added energy and heart-healthy omega 3 fatty acids. Not only are chia seeds a great pick-me-up, but they also help you remain filled up for the rest of the day so you won’t have to eat as much. Just remember not to eat them solely on an empty tummy – mix them in your oatmeal to avoid going to the bathroom every few minutes.

How Healthy are Chia Seeds?

Chia seeds are miraculous since they provide a huge amount of nutrients while harboring incredibly low calories. They contain magnesium, manganese, calcium, and fiber. The question should instead be: what doesn’t it contain?

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Salah satu yang best seller juga nih, Organic Chia Seed in Jar! Buat yang mau nyoba dulu, kayak gimana sih Chia Seed ini rasanya? Bisa banget coba yang di jar kayak gini! Size nya kecil, cocok buat yang mau nyoba² dulu, udah ada jar nya juga jadi gampang ga perlu cari² wadah lagi deh 🙈 bisa langsung di bawa bepergian juga loh! Chia Seed ini meski kecil tapi khasiatnya banyak banget loh! Biasanya dipakai sebagai penambah energy (energy booster) karena di dalamnya mengandung Omega-3, Karbohidrat, Protein, Fiber, Anti Oxidant dan Calcium dan sering disebut Super Seed. . Merupakan bijian alami tanpa diproses dan sangat bermanfaat untuk mendukung kesehatan, yaitu: mengurangi / menyeimbangkan berat badan, menurunkan tekanan darah, mengurangi resiko penyakit jantung, tiroid, hipo-glycaemia, diabetes, acid reflux, serta menurunkan kolesterol. . Favorite superfood! Super versatile karena cocok sama makanan/minuman apa aja karena rasanya yang netral! Campur sama juice? Cocok! Topping smoothie bowl? Cocok banget! Topping salad? Cocok juga😍 Bahkan sesimpel nasi dengan lauk biasa terus ditaburin chia seed udah jadi nutrition booster yang ok banget💪 . Organic Chia Seed in Jar 110gr : IDR 40.000,- . Sudah ready stock ya! Yang mau order boleh langsung klik link yang ada di bio❣️ . #chiaseed #jualchiaseed #organicchiaseed #jualorganicchiaseed #healthyfood #healthylife #snacksehat #cemilansehat #namastechiaseed #jualchiaseedsnamaste #chiaseeds #jualchiaseeds #chiaseedsorganic #chiaseedsorganik

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Oatmeal With Chia Seeds

Incorporate chia seeds in your oatmeal by mixing them into your oats. You can sprinkle some cacao powder on top and some fresh blueberries and raspberries to make it look even more beautiful and varied in flavors.

Add Some Fruit

Cut up a few green grapes, bananas, and sliced strawberries for a colorful treat that’s almost too good to eat. This time, you can add a little bit of yogurt on top of your oatmeal and top it off with a spoonful of chia seeds.
