Use the Rule of Three Cs to Stay Motivated at the Gym

Photo by Spencer Davis on Unsplash

Lack of motivation is the biggest obstacle most people face when starting a new workout program. If you still haven’t figured out what drives your will to keep training, use the three Cs of success to make it happen.


It’s easy to find excuses to skip your workout and tell yourself you’re just too busy or have more important things going on. Once this happens, you have to remind yourself that working out is a commitment you made to yourself, in an attempt to lead an active and healthy life.


It’s sometimes difficult to stay committed to our workouts because they’re not widely accessible, but that’s where continence comes in. Opt for a gym that’s close to home, do activities that you enjoy, or simply work out from home if it’s the only option.


Make workouts a part of your daily schedule, just like other activities you can’t live without. If a brief, 10-minute workout or a walk around a local park is all you can do in a day—just do it because it’s much better than doing nothing.