Ways to Deal With Sunday Night Stress

Monday mornings have a bad reputation among working people, but the stress of Sunday evening is just as real. The unsettling feeling that the weekend is over and that Monday morning is the start of the new work week effects as many as 81% of full-time working Americans, according to a study conducted by online mattress and sleep product review platform Sleep Judge.


95% of people who confirmed they have Sunday anxiety said that what causes it is the anticipated work stress. 62% admitted that Monday is the weekday they dread the most. But how can you deal with this phenomenon?

Leisure time is important but make sure you don’t use it to do things that will only make you more anxious. Avoid alcohol or limit yourself to 1 or 2 drinks for the weekend. Instead of drinking heavily, turn to long walks, yoga, going to the movies, or taking up a hobby.

Ignoring the anxiety will only make it worse, but adding these easy and enjoyable activities to your weekends will bring back the feeling that there’s more to life than just work and help you have something to look forward to at the end of every week.