Weight Lifting Basics for Beginners

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Weight lifting can be pretty intimidating when you’re still a beginner. All the equipment looks scary, but it’s important to remember that everyone was at the beginning once, so leave the fear at the door, and give it your all.

Reaching your fitness goals as fast as you can means that you will have to lift weights to improve your performance. Before adding weight training into your fitness routine, you should know a few things.


You’ve probably heard that you’ll gain weight if you lift weights. You shouldn’t worry too much about it because you won’t get too bulky or gain too much weight. Strength training can actually provide up to a 15 percent rise in metabolic rate, helping you maintain a healthy weight.

What Weighs More

You have probably heard the famous saying “muscle weighs more than fat”, but this is not entirely true. Studies have shown that one pound of muscle weighs about 22 percent less than one pound of fat.

Safe Way

Once you decide to include this way of exercise in your training, do your research so you do it properly. Put the focus on the technique and make sure you’re doing everything correctly before lifting weights.