What To Do Within the First 30 Minutes After a Workout

Post-workout stretch
Photo by Jane Palash on Unsplash

So, you’ve worked out—now what? What you do after a workout is just as important as what you did during it. How you recover and refuel within the first 30 minutes following your workout is really crucial. Here are the top three things to do immediately after you finish exercising.

Stretch and Roll

The first thing you need to do is stretch while your muscles are still warm. Stretch or use a foam roller for five to 10 minutes after you work out. This needs to be done soon after you’re finished exercising because when your muscles cool, they contract and you try to loosen them up it can cause injuries.

Shower and Change Your Clothes

While you may want to just chill and relax after a workout, it’s imperative to shower. The sweat and bacteria from your workout cause bacteria and yeast to grow, which can lead to irritation or worse infections. If you can’t shower right away, at least change out of your clothes as soon as possible.


The last thing you need to do is eat within 30 minutes of your workout. This optimizes recovery, reduces muscle soreness, and helps your performance during your next workout. Fuel up on protein and carbohydrates because your body needs macronutrients.