Why and How to Practice the Pigeon Pose Regularly

Pigeon pose
Photo by madison lavern on Unsplash

A sedentary lifestyle and long hours sitting at desks and in front of screens have become much more widespread in recent years, causing many people to suffer from tight hips and lower back pain. Yoga is one of the best ways to treat this issue, and the pigeon pose, in particular, has proven powers against those aches, since it increases hip flexibility and rotation. It specifically works as a hip opener and forward bend, stretching your thighs, groin, back, piriformis, and psoas. Here’s how to safely practice the pigeon pose.

  1. On a yoga mat, begin in Downward-Facing Dog Pose. 
  2. Next, raise your right leg off the ground and bring your right knee to the back of your right wrist. Then, rotate your right shin so that it’s parallel with the front of your mat.
  3. As you bring your right leg to the mat, keep your left leg straight as it reaches the ground.
  4. Bring your left knee to the floor, behind you. 
  5. Gently lean forward until you feel a stretch in your piriformis 
  6. Hold for a few breaths, then switch sides.