Why Coconut Water Should Be Your New Sports Drink

Coconut Water
Photo by Datingscout on Unsplash

Hydration is one of the hottest topics within the world of fitness and wellness. Everyone from experts to influencers seems to constantly be promoting the importance of drinking enough fluids. While we can’t say we disagree, we also think what we drink is just as important as how much. It’s common knowledge that beverages like soda are not exactly superstars when it comes to our health, but did you know many sports drinks can be just as unhealthy?

Many people choose sports drinks as a source of electrolytes to both rehydrate and replace minerals like sodium that are lost during workouts. The problem is, sports drinks often contain just as much sugar as many popular sodas, along with additives like artificial dyes and brominated vegetable oil, which has been shown to irritate the skin and even cause headaches.

Fortunately, there are other ways to rehydrate and replace what we lose when we sweat. Coconut water is low in sugar, free of artificial dyes, and naturally contains five different types of electrolytes. It’s especially high in potassium which is important for muscle health and preventing cramps.

We love to mix in a little orange or lemon juice and a pinch of sea salt for added flavor and extra sodium. You won’t miss traditional sports drinks at all!