Why Skipping is Perhaps the Best Form of Exercise

Of course, all kinds of exercises have their own specific benefits, and their importance is largely relative to what we want from them. However, in terms of overall rounded exercise and ease of availability, a strong case can be made for skipping as the best all-round form of exercise. Let’s take a look at why this might be the case.

Strengthens the Core

Skipping is an excellent way to strengthen the core foundational muscles—it strengthens the abdominal muscles, the back muscles, and the shoulders.

Improves Balance

As well as strengthening the core, skipping also improves balance. As you are jumping over the rope, you need to use your core to stay upright and to land comfortably.

Enhances Coordination

Skipping also vastly improves your hand-eye coordination and your sense of space. By working up that internal rhythm of hopping over the rope, you learn how your body works and your body learns how to respond to you.

Strengthens the Legs

Skipping is also one of the best ways to strengthen the legs. It works the whole leg organically, from calf to quads.

Ease of Availability

And finally, the wonderful thing about skipping is that you can do it almost anywhere for free! You don’t need to go to the gym or stay tied to a machine. You can exercise at home, in the great outdoors, or while traveling.