Why You Gain Weight During Your Time of Month

If you’re tracking your fitness and weight you may notice that right before you’re about to get your monthly visitor that you gain a few pounds or that your clothes are tighter than usual. This is totally normal and it happens the week before your period due to water weight. Don’t worry as these changes will go back to normal. Here are some of the reasons for weight gain before or during your period.

Hormonal Changes

Experiencing water weight before your period is due to the hormone progesterone, which is essential during the early stages of pregnancy. When you’re not pregnant, your progesterone levels decrease and your body retains an extra microscopic drop of water. This water weight can range from a half a pound to 10 pounds, averaging around five for most women.

GI Struggles

Bloating causes and magnifies weight gain by making your stomach feel distended. Gastrointestinal problems and fluctuations in hormones can cause constipation or diarrhea in women.

Food Cravings

During our periods, our cravings for certain food like chocolate are a result in changes in hormones. Next time you have cravings before or after your period, go ahead and give in to them, but in moderation.