Why You Should Listen to Music When You Work Out

Most people know that listening to music can make their long workouts more fun. But did you know that scientists have proven that music is not only fun, it can greatly influence and improve your workouts? Here’s why you should make a playlist for your next gym session.

Keep Your Pace

Studies have shown that music activates the motor area of our brain, which is why we tend to synchronize our moves to the music. This can be of great help during long runs because listening to the beat of the music can help us maintain a steady pace and save our energy.

Elevate Your Mood

We already know that the best way to improve our mood is to listen to our favorite tunes, but there’s also scientific evidence that listening to music releases dopamine. That’s why an uplifting playlist can motivate you to move even when you don’t feel like exercising.

Improve Your Performance

Music is not only good for boosting mood, it can also improve your performance and endurance. Going through a tough workout or running a marathon is easier and more enjoyable if you’re listening to motivating music.