5 Worst Excuses For Skipping Your Workout

Photo by alan KO on Unsplash

We all face those days when we’d rather stare at the wall for hours than hit the gym, and came up with a convenient excuse to stay at home. Take a look at some of the worst reasons for skipping your workout, and try to avoid them in the future.

Bad Weather

No one expects you to do an outdoor workout in the pouring rain, but bad weather won’t affect you in any shape or form once you’re inside the gym.

Too Expensive

It’s understandable if you can’t afford an expensive gym membership, but that shouldn’t stop you from staying in shape. Working out at home is always an option.

Out of Shape

Going to the gym for the first time in a while may be intimidating, but we all had to start somewhere. Don’t be scared of other people judging you for not being in shape, since they’re probably too focused on their own workout.

Busy Schedule

We’re all busy and tired sometimes, and if you use this as an excuse – you’ll never get anything done. Just set aside a couple of hours a week for your training, and you’ll end up creating a good habit.

Already Fit

Proper nutrition isn’t the only thing keeping you healthy. Regular exercise can also help you combat many diseases by boosting your speed, strength, and endurance.