Yoga Poses Every Runner Should Know and Practice

Photo by Alex Shaw on Unsplash

Practicing yoga from time to time can be very beneficial for runners. Whether you just want to stretch after a long run or you’re looking to improve your flexibility and overall running performance, these yoga poses can be very beneficial.

Pyramid Pose (Parsvottonasana)

Tight hamstrings are one of the most common issues runners face, and usually, this problem can be solved with some easy stretches. The pyramid pose is a perfect and intense side stretch that will help you recover and relieve tight hamstrings.

Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajkapotasana Prep)

This popular yoga pose is an amazing hip-opener, but it’s also good for your glutes and lower back muscles. The pigeon pose might be hard for runners to master, but once you do it, it’s very rewarding.

Boat Pose (Navasana)

In order to be a good runner, it’s good to work on strengthening your core muscles and improving your posture. The boat pose is great for engaging abdominal muscles and preventing any injury in this area.

Crescent Lunge (Anjaneyasana)

The crescent lunge is perfect for runners because it’s a deep stretch pose that activates both your upper and lower body. It also challenges your balance and mobility, both of which are very important for runners.