You May Be Drinking Your Water Wrong in the Summer

Photo by Ryan Everton on Unsplash

Drinking water seems simple enough, yet there’s a common mistake many people make during summer that just makes them hotter instead of helping them cool down.

If you’ve heard before that you should be drinking cold beverages when it’s cold and hot beverages when it’s hot, know that it’s completely true. Though you may be tempted to get yourself a glass of water filled with ice when it’s hot outside, you may be surprised by the effect this can have on you.

During summer, it’s best to drink room-temperature beverages as your body will absorb them faster. Plus, cold drinks can lead to getting a cold, despite the temperature outside. It’s all about what you’re used to. Once you get used to drinking room-temperature water, you won’t even think of filling your glass with ice again.

How do you like your water in the summer? Do you think you could switch to tap water or keep your water bottles on room temperatures instead of cooling them in the fridge before drinking?