You May Not Be Challenging Yourself Enough

Photo by Mariah Krafft on Unsplash

When it comes to working out, there tends to be a lot of talk about making sure you enjoy the process. There’s a lot of wisdom and truth to be said about that. The more you enjoy what you do, the more likely you are to continue doing it—and in the case of working out, this will obviously produce better results. However, here’s why this thinking can lead to a bad habit if you’re not careful.

Getting Too Complacent

While it’s important to create realistic goals for yourself and not wear yourself out too thin, it’s also important not to get too complacent. True, you may be refining some good tone for yourself and you might be getting healthy—but are you really challenging yourself?

Ultimately, a big part of not just working out, but life as well, is about challenging yourself. Sometimes we don’t realize how much we crave the challenge, as much as we tell ourselves that we’re not interested in it. We’re definitely not telling you to set crazy exercise goals. However, we are saying that you should be able to recognize when it’s time for you to push yourself even harder to the next level.