You Should Be Doing MadFit’s 10-Minute Stretching Workout Every Morning

Image via madfit.ig/Instagram

Working out in the morning can be tough, but ten minutes of stretching is sometimes all it takes to start your day with a bang. If you’re not sure how to do it right, Maddie Lymburner of MadFit is here with an amazing morning workout that will get you back in shape.

Lymburner’s YouTube channel is one of our favorite sources of workout inspiration, with over 4.8 million subscribers and counting. She described her latest morning workout as “a lovely way to get up and start the day off on the right foot.”

The majority of her viral dance cardio workouts are choreographed to the beloved pop hits, but that’s not the case with this one. She took a moment to walk us through each of the steps and demonstrate the exercises for all the beginners out there.

The list of moves in this workout video includes side shuffles with toe reaches, jumping squats, bridges, pelvic thrusts, and several more exercises. Each set takes 45 seconds to complete, with 15 second rests in between.