3 Best Stabilizing Tips for a Steadier Yoga Practice

Photo by kike vega on Unsplash

Yoga can be challenging even if you’re not a beginner—there are some poses that are extremely difficult and get years of practice to get done right. If you’ve been practicing for a long time but still struggle with some positions, don’t feel bad. Yoga is not meant to be mastered, but you should always challenge yourself to be a bit better than the last time. Here are our 3 top stabilizing tips that will help you be more stable while doing yoga.

Move Slowly

Slow movements engage your muscles and help you strengthen your body for future practice. When you move slowly, you become aware of every single movement and improve focus and stability.

Focus the Sight

Focusing on one point can help you a lot with improving balance. Simply pick a point on your mat or on the wall and don’t look away from it as you’re working from one pose to another.

Use Props

It’s a good idea to stand near a wall if you need help with balance. Keeping one hand on the wall is a great trick that helps you practice a position until you master it. Use the blocks if you have them for positions that require your hands on the ground.