3 Major Fitness Goals You Should Reach Before Turning 30

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

The younger you are, the easier it is to cultivate healthy habits that you’ll stick to for the rest of your life. Here’s a few goals you should try to reach before blowing out candles on your 30th birthday.

Enjoyable Fitness Routine

You should try as many classes as you want before finding the one you really love. Once that’s done, you won’t have such hard time sticking to your workout plan. Switching things up is always and option if your regular routine becomes too tiresome or boring.


Active Lifestyle

Hitting the gym on regular basis isn’t enough, if you’re going to spend the rest of the day binge-watching Netflix. Set aside some time for fun little activates, such as hiking or dancing, that will keep you moving in between your workouts.

Healthy Nutrition Plan

It’s also important to develop healthy eating habits, and learn to cook a couple of nice meals on your own. Preparing food at home will help you keep your calorie intake in check and have a total control of the ingredients that go into your meal.