3 Major Signs That Your Dumbbells Aren’t Right For You

One of the most difficult parts of picking dumbbells is finding the weight that works for you. Picking the wrong weight can completely mess up your routine, and these are the best ways to determine if something isn’t adding up.

No Struggle

Working out with dumbbells without putting too much effort to lift them may be good for your self-esteem, but it’s not so great for your fitness goals. If you’re working out with the right intensity, you should be struggling to complete the lift after several reps.

Workout Type

You can’t use the same dumbbells for every workout and experience the same results. Workouts that are intense on their own or require a lot of movement usually shouldn’t be done with a heavy set of dumbbells.


Incorrect Form

The dumbbells that you’re working out with shouldn’t be so heavy that you end up compromising your form. If you notice your posture is getting worse, or if you’re struggling with soreness and injuries you haven’t noticed before, the dumbbells you’re using may have something to do with these issues.