3 Signs That Tabata is the Right Fitness Regiment For You

Tabata workouts are becoming increasingly popular these days – and for good reasons. They come with a long list of amazing benefits, and we’re here to help you decide if they’re the right choice for you.

HIIT Lover

Tabata falls under the broad umbrella of high-intensity interval training workouts, but it’s a little bit less flexible with time. If the idea behind HIIT intrigues you, and you’re thinking of giving it a try, Tabata is a good place to start.

Short on Time

This workout regimen is also perfect for people with a busy schedule. One tabata interval consists of eight rounds of 20 seconds of work at maximum effort, followed by 10 seconds of rest. Long story short, one interval lasts for only four minutes.

Fast Results

Tabata can help you burn fat, improve endurance and speed, and improve muscle growth faster than most of the other exercises on the market. If you’re looking forward to committing to a workout routine that leads to fast results, this is the perfect option.