3 Stretches to Relieve Foot Pain

You certainly know that stretching is an important step of every workout, but sometimes you feel like skipping it and saving those few minutes instead, and that can be a mistake. Skipping stretching can lead to injuries and foot pain is just one of the things that can happen to you. Here are three stretches that you can do when you suffer from foot pain.

Wall Calf Stretch

Stand facing a wall and place your hands on it. Step one foot back with the heel on the ground. Keep the knee straight, lean forward, and stretch the back leg’s calf. Hold the position for 30 seconds or more per leg.

Wall Calf Stretch With Bent Knees

Start in the same position and place one foot back, but bend both knees this time. Drop your weight down and keep the back heel on the floor, stretching your Achilles tendon.

Hamstring Stretches

Lay down on your back and bring one knee to your chest. Straighten that knee as much as possible without it hurting until you feel the stretch on the back of your thigh. It’s okay if you can’t straighten the knee completely; in that case, lower your thigh toward the floor.